I was in bed for a couple of days with a bad flu and did some sketches while I was getting bored there. Here are a couple of them (the ones that I found half decent, hehe) after I played a bit with them and some textures in PS.
Estuve en cama un par de días con gripe así que tuve tiempo de aburrirme y dibujé un poco para remediarlo. Estos son un par de los bocetos que hice, que me parecieron medianamente decentes como para subirlos acá después de que los toqueteé un poco y les puse unas texturitas en Photoshop.
2 replies on “Flu Doodles | Bocetos gripales”
I wish I can see some of your creatures pushed a tad further, they are too cute. Bravo Vic !
From France with Love.
i think the top page of beasts are some of my favorites from you vic!!!!
great looking acid deer to boot o_o