Creatures Illustration

A sloth playing videogames

Today is Fed’s birthday (happy birthday!!!! <3 <3 <3) and here’s one of his presents from me! Gouache and color pencils on paper.

Hoy es el cumple de Fede (feliz cumpleeee!!! <3 <3 <3) y este fue uno de mis regalitos. Gouache y lápices de colores sobre papel.


D&D Player’s Strategy Guide Illustrations

I had the opportunity to do some illustrations for the Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Strategy Guide a few months ago and the book was officially released on Monday so I’m finally able to post them!

As some of you may know I’m a huge fantasy geek and I love roleplaying games and I spent numerous Sunday afternoons in my hometown playing D&D with friends. When I took this sort of cartoon-ish direction with my artwork I thought I was closing that door forever so this was quite a big deal for me, I loved doing these illos and I’m super excited to show them to you! I hope you like them!

Hace algunos meses hice estas ilustraciones para la Guía de Estrategia para Jugadores de Dungeons & Dragons y como el lunes la lanzaron a la venta ya las puedo mostrar!

Como algunos de ustedes sabrán, me encanta la fantasía, y he pasado varias tardes domingueras rosarinas jugando rol. Cuando me decanté por este estilo más cartoon pensé que estaba cerrando esa puerta para siempre así que este fue un proyecto muy grosso para mí, lo disfruté muchísimo y me emociona mucho poder mostrar estas ilus, espero que les gusten!!!

All these images are © Wizards of the Coast


Drow Pin-up

Hey there! I did this for the Dungeon & Dragons pin-up challenge at ArtOrder. Tried to channel some of Elvgren‘s awesomeness, one of my favorite pinup artists alongside Petty. Cheers!


Fennec Fox & Macarons

What have macarons to do with fennec foxes? Nothing! But me and Clo were talking about how awesome and pretty and delicious macarons are, and I was browsing this blog made out of pure cuteness: Zooborns in the meantime and well… one thing led to another and this is what came out of it. I hope you like it!

¿Qué tienen que ver los “macarons” con los zorros fénec? Nada de nada! Pero estaba charloteando con Clo acerca de lo lindísimos y riquísimos que son los macarons mientras husmeaba por este blog lleno de criaturas megatiernas: Zooborns y me vino esto a la mente y bueh… espero que les guste!


005 – The Mice Templar


004 – Roger the homunculus



We just switched countries, again! We’re now officially living in Edinburgh, UK.
One of our 2010 resolutions is to be more active in this blog, so I decided to start posting quick studies and doodles to get things moving. But first, here’s a fanart I did for the Gorilla Artfare 2nd anniversary. I had to do a cover version of the awesome Winona Nelson. I chose this image by the way.


Botobit and a t-shirt

Botobit Cover by Federico Piatti

Druidess tshirt by Federico Piatti

I realized I never made a proper post on these illustrations here.

The first one is the cover for Botobit volume 1, a book featuring 144 pages of art by awesome illustrators (including the other half of this blog 😀 ). The second one is a t-shirt I designed for Savant, it’s a limited edition so get it while you can. You can buy both of them here:

Creatures Illustration

Fidel the schnauzer

dog gouache illustration

I decided to make a stronger effort this year to try to successfully translate my style to traditional media. I’m pretty comfortable with digital at this point but messing around with real paint is always so much fun and I like having an actual physical object out of it. I really like the look of gouache and I think it’s probably the best medium for the kind of work I do, but I’ve had some bad encounters with it in the past, so this time around I decided to make a very rough digital color key (that I’m posting too!) before starting to paint so I would already have some decisions made regarding colour, temperature and value relations. I also tried to avoid being overly ambitious with the piece and keep it simple for now, until I get to know the medium better. It definitely helped, and I’m pretty happy with how this came out!

The piece is a gift for my dad’s wife who has a birthday coming soon, so I made a portrait of her dog, Fidel. Gouache and color pencil on paper.

Este año me interesa intentar con un poco más de ahínco de trasladar de manera exitosa mi estilo a algún medio tradicional. Si bien estoy cómoda con el digital, me gusta enchastrar con pintura denserio y también está bueno obtener un objeto físico de la cuestión. Me encanta de aspecto como queda el gouache y me parece que va bien con el tipo de cosas que yo hago, pero la verdad le tenía un poco de idea porque he tenido algunos encontronazos con él en el pasado, así que esta vez decidí hacer un estudiecito de color en digital (que también lo posteo!) antes de empezar a pintar cosa de tener ya algunas decisiones tomadas en cuanto a color, temperatura y relaciones de valor. Y también decidí bajarme de la moto y mantener la pieza simple. Y bueno parece que funcionó bastante bien, al menos yo estoy bastante satisfecha con el resultado.

La ilus en sí es un regalito para la mujer de mi viejo que cumple los años pronto, así que hice un retrato de su perro, Fidel. Gouache y lápices de colores sobre papel.