This years’ quick Christmas card, featuring a goblinette of course. Federico and I hope you all have a wonderful, restful time full of warmth and tasty treats!
Drawn with a pen on my sketchbook, coloured digitally.
This one was a bit of an experiment on doing a more finished pencil drawing and laying color on top with Ecoline. I finished things with some crayons and white gouache.
All in all, I’m happy with the result, but I was hoping for a more streamlined/quicker way to work… it was not too successful in that regard, although maybe once I have more familiarity with these paints and how they behave, it could be faster.
And it’s never a bad thing in my book to have more excuses to draw goblins!
The pencils:
And a detail!
I was taking a look at the stuff I had in my portfolio a couple of weeks ago and I realized that for all my love of the genre, I didn’t have any fantasy illos, and I decided to make these to remedy that issue. So there you go: pointy ears, illithids, dragons, swords, magic and goblins. I had a blast! By the way, I stole the topic of “drow vs mindflayers” from one of the challenges at Jon Schindehette’s blog “Art Order”, it was way too full of win to pass!
If you’ve taken a look at my website recently you may have seen these already (sorry!).
Estaba analizando mi portfolio hace un par de semanas y me encontré con que, a pesar de ser gran fan del género, no tenía ninguna ilus de fantasía, y me decidí a hacer estas para remediar la situación. Así que acá las tienen: orejas puntiagudas, ilítidos, dragones, espadas, magia y goblins, me di el gusto a lo grande! Por cierto, el tema de “drow versus ilítidos” se lo robé a uno de los concursos que realizó Jon Schindehette en su blog “Art Order”, porque era demasiado genial para dejarlo pasar.
Si se dieron una vuelta por mi sitio recientemente por ahí ya las vieron, perdón!