Inks and Ecoline.
Still finding my way around these paints. I’ll need to experiment some more!

An illustration from 2021. Gouache and watercolor on paper.
Prints available here!
Plus some close-ups and the rough sketch.
A small illustration I did as inking practice today.
I’ve been severely limiting the time I spend on social media lately, and it’s been great for my noggin. I still share things here and there, but I miss having a place to put things that’s not subject to the whims of algorithms and corporate-driven decisions, so I’m making my 38092843894293849284398th attempt to post here more often.
I plan on continuing the Hématite posts soon-ish, but in the mean time, I’ll probably just make some image posts to put here some of the stuff I’ve shared on social media. I’m thinking of maybe making some inspirations posts too, to share the work of artists I love.
So, here are some little ink drawings that I’ve made in the past year or so. More soon!
As it’s been my tradition for the past few years, during the month of September I made a bunch of little gouache paintings for my #septempera challenge. This time I came nowhere near to daily, which was expected as Federico and I are finishing our comic, but all things considered I think it was a pretty decent showing.
All these are quite small (roughly 7-8 cm per side) and painted in watercolor and gouache on watercolor paper.
I’ve put some of them up as prints on my Inprnt.
There’s a lot of stuff that I don’t really post because there’s quite a while between the time I make it and the time it’s published, and I end up forgetting :/
I thought I’d start to remedy that, so here’s some of the pages I made of a coloring book series for Dover, called Playful Pictures: Animals. I had a lot of fun creating all these animal themed patterns, and there’s a LOT more in the book. I inked these traditionally with a brush, and the one in color (used in the book’s back cover) was colored digitally in Photshop.
Hay muchas cosas que, por el tiempo que pasa entre que las hago y que finalmente se publican, me termino olvidando de mostrar :/
Para empezar a remediar la cuestión, acá van algunas páginas que hice para un libro para colorear de Dover, que se llama Playful Pictures: Animals. Me lo pasé genial haciendo todos estos diseños repetibles con animalitos, y en el libro hay unos cuantos más. Entinté todo de manera tradicional con pincel, y la imagen en color (que se usó en la contratapa del libro) la coloreé en Photoshop
If you’re following our Facebook page, you may already know that Federico and I are working on a children’s book pitch for a story we’ve written together and plan to illustrate in collaboration as well. Here are some of the sketches and tests we’ve been doing for it + a Halloween illo in pastels featuring Ernestine, our main character, squirrel and book lover. We hope you enjoy them!
Si están siguiendo nuestra página de Facebook, quizás sepan ya que Fede y yo estamos trabajando juntos en un proyecto personal de álbum ilustrado para una historia que también escribimos entre los dos. Acá les van algunos de los bocetos y la pruebas que venimos haciendo para el mismo + una ilus de Halloween/Otoño con Ernestine, nuestra protagonista, ardilla y amante de los libros. Esperamos que les gusten!